 Experience and Demoted Teaching Staff.
 Specialist Lectures
 Training by Psychology Method Future Teachers.
 Personality Development by Co-Surcluer Activities.

 Innovation in B.Ed. Syllabus for practical Training.
 Bus Facility as per Required.
Psychology Tests and Experiment:
About 200 test and experiments available such as: Intelligence, Creativity, Personality,
Adjustment, Test, Projective Technique.
 Area of Project and research work:
Evolution (self – Assessment), Cognitive development, creativity, value education, Yoga
Education, Environmental Education, Learning Disability, Music and Psychology, Human rights,
Importance of feedback, stress and music, Teacher effectiveness and teacher commitment,
Girls education, inclusive education, impact of Technology, teacher openness and class
management. Competency, computer assistance learning, Active learning method, Autism, Self
 Campus Interview and Placement
 Redressal Cell
 Orientation and Extension Services
 Lecture Series
 Language across activities
 Seminar and Conference
 Paper Reading
 Alumini Contact
 Work Experience
Music, Drawing, Gardening, Tailoring and Embroidery, Book Binding.
Community Work & Social Activities
Gardening and nursery, Decoration and cleaning of Campus, Awareness towards social
responsibilities – Specially Village Developments, Helping Disable and Special Needs required
Children, Helping old persons. Music for values.
Different Club
 Science Club
 Language Club
 Social Science Club